Thursday, November 3, 2011

Yep, there he is. Isn't he just adorable!?! This handsome man is the reason I received my golden, engraved invitation to participate in this blog. You see I am the daughter in love. Yes, it's okay that I call myself that, I cleared it with his mama. :) We have enjoyed almost 11 years together and I am so thankful he decided I was "the one." One idea that I have had during our marriage is what I call the Love Journal.
This little journal is the home for the little sweet nothings that I don't want to forget. We have written the long mushy notes that cover pages. :) We have also written the quick, "I love your smile" kind of notes. We have written notes when love has been more of a choice than a feeling and we have written notes when our hearts were so full that it had to spill over somewhere. And I have it all, cataloged for myself when I need to look back and remember where we have been. Because it is good to remember!
Hope you liked this little idea and maybe it will inspire you to create something to remind yourself of the things we really do love about our spouse. :)

1 comment:

  1. it! He is a handsome man, at least his mama thinks so! :>) Welcome to the blog!
