About Us!

The US includes me, Susan the mom, with the rest being my girls, Trisha, Emily, and Hayley.  Now granted, Trisha is legally my daughter-in-law, but I love her like I do my other daughters so I group her in with them.  Also, I don't want to leave out my daughter Jayney, who is now with Jesus!  How we love you Jayney and miss you!

The name Rubies Running came from the Proverbs 31 woman.  As I was trying to come up with a  name that represented the four of us, this jumped into my head.  Myself, along with my girls, desire to manage a household like the Proverbs 31 woman.  Now grant you, I think it is impossible, but we are trying to do the best job we can.  A woman like her is far more precious than jewels so that is where the Rubies came into play.  I do know that our husbands think we are more precious then rubies; they told me :>).  Running came to me in the fact that we all are running our households, and actually physically running, okay some of us are only walking but you get my drift, and we are also running life's race with perseverance.   Rubies Running!  That is us!

We all have gifts and we love using them together, helping each other in our homes, and just plain having fun doing it!  We hope that all who come visit our blog will be encouraged and uplifted as well as getting some good ideas.  Happy blogging!